
si recte in interiore parte involucri per raembranam agglutinatam perspexi scriptum : ferrata. Eminet codex non vetustate - neque enim, ut est apud Morellium (Aristid. or. adv. Lept. praef. p. XXXII) saeculi XI, sed XV est - , sed operum numero et in nonnullis saltern partibus fide memoriae servata. Omnium est amplissimus, quippe qui 477 folia formae magnae scripturaeque artae contineat. In quo toto exoutiendo quod ad finem perveni, id praeter singularem Barberini principis favorem eximiae debeo benevolentiae adiutrici nonnullorum virorum doctorum imprimisque Pii Francbi de Cavaleriis, iuvenis sollertissimi, cuius amicitiam anno proximo mihi per Aeneam Piccolomini meura conciliatam inter gratissimas memorias Romanas refero. Qui exemplar unde codex descriptus est concinnavit enm ^>atet id egisse, ut corpus operum omnium Libanii conderet. Quod ut perficeret quamquam minime ei contigit, tamen omnia scrinia rimatus aliquot prompsit opuscula, quae in paucis vel in nullo alio codice exstant. Inter ilia est declamatio inscripta KwXuouCTi ZujKpdTTiv ev tuj betfjuwTTipiuj biaXerecxGai Kai dvTiXe'yei ti^, quae e codioe Marciano a Iacobo Morelli Venetiis 1785 edita est, inter haec oratio unep 'OXu^tti'ou, quam Siebenkeesius in lucem protraxit. Sed buic uni codici (= B) etiam debetur supplementum lacunae quae est in ^dyou K(XTr)YOpia ed. Eeisk. t. IV p. 735, 17. Inter enuntiata enim dXV oubev fjTiov dTToXoujneOa et ttuj£ ouv, q>r|CTiv, ouk d|ae (Tcpdrrei; exhibet verba quae rebus tantum minutis correctis, ut Francbius mibi descripsit, reddo :


if correctly on the inside of the envelope through the glued membrane I looked at the writing: ferrata. A prominent pad is not old - nor for as it is at Morellium (Aristid. or. adv. Lept. pref. p. 32) of the 11th century, but the 15th is - , but in the number of works and not in any parts at least faithfully preserved in memory. It is the largest of all, since it contains 477 leaves of great writing and art. In which, exhausting all that I have come to the end, I owe this to the extraordinary favor of Prince Barberini by the helpfulness of some learned men, especially Pius Francbi de Cavalerii, a very clever young man, whose friendship last year I was won over by Aeneas Piccolomini among my favorite Roman memories. Who prepared the copy from which the codex is described that he had done this in order to establish the body of all the works of Lebanon. That as although it did not happen to him at all to complete it, yet he promised all the drawers of the old man several works, which in few or in no other the code exists. Among them is a declamation inscribed KwXuouCTi ZujKpdTTiv ev tuj betfjuwTTipiuj biaXerecxGai Kai dvTiXe'yei ti^, which was published in 1785 in Venice by Iacob Morelli from the Marciano Codex, among these orations unep 'OXu^tti'ou, than Siebenkeesius in the light he dragged on. But this one code (= B) also owes a supplement of the lacuna which is in ^dyou K(XTr)YOpia ed. Eeisk. t. 4 p. 735 17.For among the statements dXV oubev fjTiov dTToXoujneOa and ttuj£ ouv, q>r|CTiv, ouk d|ae (Tcpdrrei; he presents words which only matter with minute corrections, as Francbius described to my son, I return:

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