Quod vero illi seriptores Basilium tum demum, postquam Athenis revertisset, Libanio operam dedisse dixerunt — id est anno 355 vel 356 — id ab omni parte rebus gestis vitaeque illorum virorum repugnat. Seeckius quidem sententiam proposuit Basilium Nicomediae Libanii discipulum fuisse!) Sed ne tempus quidem quadraret, si revera Libanius, ut Seeckius contendit, ab anno 346 usque ad a. 351 docuisset Nicomediae ibique Basilius eius discipulus fuisset. Nam intra hoe tempus Basilium Constantinopoli studiis se dedisse veri simillimum est, id quod nune explieare conabor. Relieta patria domoque?) Basilium primum Caesaream?) petivisse, ubi eum cum literarum studio tum moribus integris maxime sese commendasse testatur Gregorius Naz.). Deinde Constantinopolim?) adiit), in quam urbem illis temporibus artium liberalium studio florentem philosophiae doctores multique ex omnibus terrarum regionibus discipuli confluebant. Hine eireiter anno 351 Athenas profectus est paulo post Gregorium
As for those robbers of Basil, then at last, after When he returned to Athens, they said that he paid attention to Libanius - that is in the year 355 or 356 - that from all sides of the affairs and life against those men. Indeed, Seeckius proposed the opinion that Basil was a disciple of Nicomedia Libanius!) But no the time would indeed be square, if really Libanius, as Seeckius contends, from the year 346 until a. 351 he had taught at Nicomedia and there Basil would have been his pupil. For within this period Basil devoted himself to the studies of Constantinople, which is very similar to the truth I will try to explain now. Releasing country and home?) Basil first Caesarea?), where it is testified that Gregory Naz. Then he went to Constantinople?), in which city the professors of philosophy flourished in those times in the study of the liberal arts and many disciples flocked from all parts of the world. Hine left for Athens in 351 shortly after Gregory
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