
Hunc articulum revocavi libro de captivitate Babylonica et iterum his seriptis revoco et dico; Boemos et Graecos in hac parte nec haereticos nec schismaticos sed Christiauissimos et Euangelicissimos esse, quos et his verbis oro et obtestor iu domino, ut in ea senteutia firmiter penuaueant, cum pro se habeant expressum textum Euangelii, longevimi et apud Graecos in hunc diem servatum catholicum usum Ecclesiae dei, nec moveantur tyranni illius Romani et Antichristi vastatoriis et impiis decretis, quibus alteram partem sacramenti per vim abstulit iis, quibus Christus ipse donavit, qui cum sacerdotibus imperet utranque specieni sumere, causatus, unum sacra mentum esse utranque speciem (id quod verum est), rursiLS laicis uuam pro hibens, itenuu pro libidine causatus mendatio sibi ipsi contrario, integrum sacrameutum uuam speciem esse, sie aliud sacramentum laicis et aliud sacer dotibus partitur, sicut et poenitentiae sacramentum superius' aliud Papae et aliud totius Ecclesiae fiuxit.


I referred to this article with the book on the Babylonian captivity and again I call back and say to these people; In this respect, the Bohemians and Greeks are neither heretics nor schismatics, but most Christian and most evangelical. with words I pray and protest to the Lord, that in those sentiments they may cease firmly, when let them have for themselves the expressed text of the Gospel, the oldest and among the Greeks in let this day be preserved, the Catholic use of the Church of God, and let not the tyrants be moved by the ruinous and impious decrees of that Roman and Antichrist, by which he took away the other part of the sacrament by force from those whom Christ himself had given, who with the priests he orders each of them to take, when he has been caused, one sacrament that both kinds of species (that which is true) exist, but for the laity passing, at least because of his lust caused by lying against himself, intact that there is one species of the sacrament, if one sacrament is divided for the laity and another for the sacred endowments, just as the sacrament of penitence is another for the Pope and the whole Church has flown something else.

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