
Pars prior: Quatenus Libanius in sententiis et in rebus ex Herodoto pendeat 5—53 Caput I: De sententiis 5—47 A de tribus diegematis 5—9 B de iis operibus, in quibus argumentum fert, ut sententiae ex Herodoto depromantur: . . 9—23 1 de decl. nQta/SevTixog 'Odvaa^ayg xik. inscripta. . . 9—10 2 de decl. Nioxltjg et SefiiaroxX^; inscriptis. . . . 11 —18 3 de decl. Kifiooy aliwv xtX. inscripta 18—21 4 de decl. TCikov iavTov nQoaayyiXXii inscripta. . . 22 —2.S C de ceteris scriptis : 23—47 1 de sententiis compluribus, quas rhetor unum in locum coegit 23—32 2 de iis sententiis, quae singulae hic illic inveniuntur: 32-47 a de iis quae ad Persarum beUa pertinent. . . 33—40 b de iis quae ad Croesum pertinent 40—42 c de ceteris sententiis 42—47 Caput II: l)e rebus 47—53 Pars altera: Quid rhetor in elocutione Herodoto debeat. 53—96 Caput I: De vocabulis singularibus 53—66 Capnt II: De vocabulis singulari notione adhibitis. . . . 66—77 Caput III: De verborum structuris 77—79 Caput IV: De locutionibus: . 79—94 A De locutionibus quae verbis continentur 79—90 Pi De nominibus inter sese coniunctis 90—93 C De vocibus a praepositionibus suspensis 93—94 Caput V: De formulis 95—96 Caput VI: De lonica anastropha 96


The first part: To what extent Libanius in the sentences and in depend on matters from Herodotus 5-53 Chapter 1: On the sentences 5-47 A on the three diegemata 5-9 B of those works in which he argues that the sentences from Herodotus are deprecated: . 9-23 1 decl. nQta/SevTixog 'Odvaa^ayg xik. inscribed . . 9-10 2 decl. Nioxltjg and SefiiaroxX^; inscribed . . . 11 -18 3 decl. Kifiooy aliwv xtX. inscribed 18-21 4 decl. TCikov iavTov nQoaayyiXXii inscribed. . . 22 -2.S C of the other writings: 23-47 1 of the several sentences which the rhetor forced into place 23-32 2 of those sentences, which are found individually here and there: 32-47 from those things which belong to the Persians. . . 33-40 b concerning those which belong to Croesus 40-42 c on the rest of the sentences 42-47 Chapter II: l)e rebus 47-53 The second part: What the rhetor owes to Herodotus in his speech. 53-96 Chapter 1: On individual terms 53-66 Chapter 2: Of the terms used in singular notions. . . . 66-77 Chapter 3: On the structures of words 77-79 Chapter 4: On phrases: . 79-94 A On phrases that are contained in words 79-90 Pi On the names connected with each other 90-93 C On words suspended from prepositions 93-94 Chapter V: On formulas 95-96 Chapter 6: On the Lonic Anastrophe 96

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