Inter codices Libanii hodie superstites, quorum numerus iam nunc proxime a quingenario abest, sed etiam capitum Lernaeae hydrae instar inter conferendum in dies mini crescit, singularem obtinet locum Barberinus II, 41, qui a cardinali Francisco Barberini e bibliotheca Cryptensi in suam videtur translatus esse, si recte in interiore parte involucri per raembranam agglutinatam perspexi scriptum : ferrata. Eminet codex non vetustate - neque enim, ut est apud Morellium (Aristid. or. adv. Lept. praef. p. XXXII) saeculi XI, sed XV est - , sed operum numero et in non- nullis saltern partibus fide memoriae servata. Omnium est am- plissimus, quippe qui 477 folia formae magnae scripturaeque ar- tae contineat. In quo toto exoutiendo quod ad finem perveni, id praeter singularem Barberini principis favorem eximiae debeo benevolentiae adiutrici nonnullorum virorum doctorum imprimis- que Pii Francbi de Cavaleriis, iuvenis sollertissimi, cuius amicitiam anno proximo mihi per Aeneam Piccolomini meura conciliatam inter gratissimas memorias Romanas refero.
Among the surviving manuscripts of Lebanon today, the number of which is now He is now about five years old, but he is also the head of Lernaea The hydra-like figure between the mini-contributors grows every day, unique takes the place of Barberinus II, 41, which seems to have been transferred from the library of the Crypt to his own by Cardinal Francisco Barberini, if it is correct in the inner part of the envelope glued together I looked at the writing: ferrata. The pad does not stand out because of its age - neither for, as it is with Morellius (Aristid. or. adv. Lept. pref. p. 32) of the 11th century, but the 15th is - , but in the number of works and in non- at least in no part preserved by the faith of memory. It's all about the most numerous, since the 477 leaves of the great writing form let it contain In which, exhausting all that I have come to the end, I owe this to the exceptional favor of Prince Barberini the helpfulness of some of the male teachers, especially that Pius Francbi de Cavalieri, a very clever young man, whose friendship last year I was won over by Aeneas Piccolomini I refer to it as one of my favorite Roman memories.
Βεβαιωθείτε με τους κανόνες γραφής και την γλώσσα των κειμένων που θα μεταφράσετε. Ένα σημαντικό σημείο που πρέπει να σημειώσετε όταν θα χρησιμοποιείτε το λεξικό του είναι ότι οι λέξεις και τα κείμενα που χρησιμοποιούνται κατά τη μετάφραση αποθηκεύονται και μοιράζονται με άλλους χρήστες στο περιεχόμενο της σελίδας. Για αυτό το λόγο, σας ζηταμε προσοχή σε αυτό το θέμα στη διαδικασία μετάφρασης. Αν δεν θέλετε οι μεταφράσεις σας να δημοσιεύονται στην σελίδα, επικοινωνήστε με την ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση →"Επικοινωνία" Στο πλησιέστερο χρόνο θα αφαιρεθούν τα σχετικά κείμενα από το περιεχόμενο του ιστότοπου.
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